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Rupal Gogia

Quantum Minimind

A Focused High-Touch 12-Month Group Coaching Program with a Step-by-Step Business Foundation and Sales System to help You Build Your way to Your First 5 Figures or Scale to 6 Figures.

One Stop Destination For Coaches, Healers & Yoga Teachers

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You want to make an impact and help your dream client. You know you’ve got what it takes.

You’re determined to launch and scale your online coaching business and be financially independent. You have the burning desire to create something of your own.

You want a sustainable system without the hustle that gives you recurring income and, cherry on top, you are the boss!

let me guess...

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But Does  This  Sound  Familiar? 

You want to launch your 1:1 coaching, group coaching program, or courses - have multiple offers in mind but you're not sure where to start?

Or perhaps, You have started your coaching business but you are stuck at a certain income ceiling.

You are tired of providing free coaching in DMs and now want to start with your paid coaching offer but are not sure how to do that due to the fear of judgment or getting rejected.

You signed a couple of clients here and there but are now unable to have a repeatable strategy where there are consistent inquiries from your dream clients.

You post content and show up on IG stories but it does not generate quality leads for you, let alone make you much of an income.

You're hesitant about creating and selling high-ticket offers, doubting if your audience will see the value and be willing to invest.

You feel stuck because you’re not tech-savvy and not sure about how to take care of everything technical. Which platform should you use? How should you make the website and set up the sales funnel? How should you market it? How should you collect the payment?

“Who will buy my program?” or “Who would pay me this much?” is constantly worrying you.

You do get an occasional DM here and there from your audience asking about your program but they seem to lose interest shortly after your 1st reply back to them.

Someone asks if they can get on a call with you to know more, but the sales call turns out to be a free coaching session and as soon as you talk about your program, they feel it's too expensive or they can't afford it.

You see other coaches or service providers sharing their wins and income milestones and you wonder what tasks they are doing to get such results.

And it’s not like you haven’t tried. You did your fair share of DIYing everything and created countless FREE content pieces but it feels so exhausting. You know having a mentor by your side with accountability is what will accelerate your coaching business.

Now imagine......

Yourself with a crystal clear roadmap that sells your program organically, without you having to 'hard sell' or ‘be pushy’. You're positioned as a go-to expert in your niche, resonating with your dream clients.

You’ve a killer content strategy that sets you up as a thought leader in your niche, making your ideal clients feel you read their mind and turning your dream clients into paid ones seamlessly.

Having a powerful juicy offer suite, blended with your unique Signature Methods and Secret Sauce. This makes your coaching program so compelling and transformative that it becomes a no-brainer for your prospects to enroll. You're not just selling a service, but a transformative journey that's hard to resist.

Imagine a step-by-step, actionable strategy laid out just for you, guiding you through setting up your business with tons of worksheets, frameworks, and swipe files. All you need to do is implement, leaving your mind free to create impactful course content.

Yourself with a dedicated coach by your side, guiding you through every step of your coaching business. Your progress is closely monitored, and personalized strategies are laid out for you, ensuring that the growth of your business is a seamless, enjoyable journey rather than a stressful task.

No more tech overwhelm. Visualise all the technical support you need is provided, from setting up sales funnels to integrating payment options, newsletters, and email automations.

You've fallen in love with sales, as you master my 'Zero-Objection-Selling' framework, turning sales from a feared task into a joyous process.

Anything & Everything

That You Need To Launch & Scale Your Coaching Business
From Scratch Is Available To You!

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Quantum Minimind

One Stop Destination For Coaches, Healers & Yoga Teachers

To Launch & Scale A Sustainable and Aligned Coaching Business!

The Quantum Minimind isn't about the hustle - it's about alignment and enjoyment. It's about embracing your inner power as a coach, creating the thriving business you desire, and designing the life you've always dreamed of, all at your pace and on your terms. Are you ready to step into your light and make your quantum leap with us? This is your moment to shine.

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Program Flow


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We create a juicy product suite filled with offers that you can serve to your empowered ideal client at different stages and thus no more wondering from where my revenue is coming next month. We will craft your irresistible offer with your signature framework tailored to your ic’s desires making it easy for your empowered ideal clients to say YES to.


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Creating a content strategy that creates demand for your offer, cracking the code for premium lead generation and bringing in your dream clients and creates a warm pool of audience. We will create a messaging framework for each of your offers which will position you as the go-to choice for high-quality leads.


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You'll learn my selling strategy for effortless, high-quality sales, learning how to sell in multiple ways - in DMs, on sales calls, on IG stories with different types of launches such as masterclass, waitlist without feeling salesy or pushy. Everything here will be with tons of frameworks, scripts, and templates which you can customize, rinse, and repeat for year around sales creating your own repeatable sales system.

They did it. So can you!

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Quantum Minimind is for You if...

✅ You're a coach, healer or yoga teacher

✅ You want to launch your coaching business to first 5 figures or

✅ You want to scale your coaching business to first or consistent 6 figures


1 Group Coaching Session Per Week 

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Weekly Hot Seat Coaching Support

For customised feedback from me which will help you clear all your doubts, troubleshoot any issue you might have and provides you much needed dose of motivation.

Recorded Session &
Practical Tools

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Recorded Session & Practical Tools

Power packed recorded modules of everything you need with worksheets, swipe files, story scripts, email templates etc. to help you implement everything you learn in your business.

Exclusive Private

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1 Year Access to An Exclusive Slack & IG Community For Support 

Join a vibrant community where all the coaches can network with each other, help each other out, motivate each other.

Year Long Access
to the Course

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1 Year Access to the Course 

Enjoy full access to the course for one year, allowing you to revisit and absorb the material at your leisure.


QM paymnt plans
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A Single Payment:
45,000 INR 

Two Instalments of:
23,500 INR 

Three Instalments of:
16,000 INR 

(The first instalment to be paid upon enrolment. And the next, 90 days after the first instalment)

(The first instalment to be paid upon enrolment. The next, 60 days after the first instalment, and the last payment 120 days after the first payment)



Step into your power, my rockstar! I see your potential, your dedication, and your spirit. It's high time to put an end to the cycle of DIY and take a leap towards growth. I’ve been in your shoes and understand the struggle. Now, it's your time to rise.

Imagine having a mentor, steadfastly by your side, guiding you every step of the way. Visualise being a part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, all cheering for each other's success. This is the acceleration your journey needs.

Give yourself this gift of investment in the QM program for 12 months. I assure you, it will unveil an extraordinary dimension of value and limitless growth. It's in your hands to construct your dream coaching business. 

Imagine looking back 12 months from now, amazed at how far you've come. You'll be living proof that investing in yourself is the best decision you can make. Your future self will be so proud of you for taking this step.

So, are you ready? Let's do this. Dive into "Quantum Minimind" and start shaping the life of financial freedom you deserve.



LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given. You fully understand that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of implementation of this information in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice.

© Rupal Gogia | © 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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