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Rupal Gogia

Launch Your

Coaching Business


Imagine Launching Your Online Coaching Without Getting Overwhelmed!

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Does  This  Sound  Familiar? 

You want to launch your 1:1 coaching, group coaching program or a courses - have multiple offers but you're not sure where to start? 

You feel stuck because you’re not techie and not sure about how to take care of everything technical. Which platform should you use? How should you make the website and set up the sales funnel? How should you market it? How should you collect the payment?

You’re posting content on social media whenever “you feel like” and trying to grow your target audience without any kind of content strategy.

You’ve no idea what should you charge or how to market your offer? You’re not even sure about your profitable niche or profitable coaching idea.

You’ve never worked with a client/student before and so “who will buy my program?”  is constantly worrying you.

You're also constantly fighting with limiting beliefs such as self doubt, imposter syndrome which is stoping you from talking about your offers and stopping you from reaching your full potential. 

And it’s not like you haven’t tried. You did your fair share of DIYing everything and created countless FREE content pieces but it feels so exhausting. You know there’s just too much to figure out and it’s too overwhelming!


You want to make an impact and help your target audience. You know you’ve got what it takes.

You’re determined to start your own online coaching business and be financially independent. You want something of your own.

You want a sustainable system that gives you recurring income and cherry on the top, you are the boss!

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Now imagine......

You’ve a clear positioning and roadmap that sells your program even without you selling it.

You’ve a killer content strategy & thought leadership that converts your dream clients into paid clients.

You've an automated system in place that gets you clients even while you’re sleeping.

You’ve a complete step by step actionable strategies laid out for you on the notion business setup. All you need to do is start implementing it so that you can focus on your course content without worrying about what to do next or how to do it.

Having a coach who’s always there to help you at every step, who's your accountability partner so that you’re never stuck and your launching is a smooth sailing process.

You don’t have to worry about sales funnel set up or how to integrate payment options or newsletters or email automations. All the tech trainings are available to you. So that you never feel overwhelmed ever again.

Having a highly motivated community of aspiring coaches to network with and learn from in a private IG group so that you never feel alone and can grow exponentially.

Anything  &  Everything 

That You Need To Launch Your Coaching Business
From Scratch Is Available To You.


Launch Your Coaching Business

One Stop Destination For New Coaches And Teachers Who Want
To Have A Sustainable Coaching Business!

Launch Your Coaching Business is a highly actionable program made especially for aspiring coaches & teachers who’re ready to launch sustainable coaching business. My mission is to help you by equipping you with the right strategies and action plan to build your online coaching business!

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You get 10 power packed recorded modules of everything you need,

to launch your coaching business.

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Notion dashboard with assignments and actionable steps to make sure you’re building your online coaching business along with learning.


Bi-Weekly coaching calls and customised feedback from me [not applicable for self study model] which will help you clear all your doubts, troubleshoot any issue you might have and provides you much needed dose of motivation.

LYCB Curriculum Has 3 Robust Sides

They did it. So can you!


Divya Aggarwal

Instagram & Small Business Coach

"I joined LYCB few months back & already seeing many changes that is bringing big & long term value to my business. Now, I've much CLARITY about the service I should offer & run my biz online.


After following Rupal's suggestions, I worked on improving my current offer (instead of creating a new offer) & I was really shocked to see the results. Even after increasing the offer price 2X times, I received an amazing response.


When I started my online journey 8 months back, I was confused with my offer & target audience. But now, I know where I have to put more focus & energy. Thank you Rupal for all your support & constantly reaching out to us to see our progress. You are the best! More power to you Boss Girl." 

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Heena Shrivastava

Author & International Book Coach

My experience with LYCB can be called not just the thin line between self-image and reputation,
but it is like being on the other side. When I began with LYCB, I did not know anything except how to spell “coaching” right.

My journey from there to understand the nitty gritty of coaching world and to imbibe that authority in my content with properly planned, strategised, action based content, has been something I love to look back to.

The real reason why I consider Rupal a gem of a person because she knows the right blend of psychology, humanity, business and coaching to make the recipe of success taste that mouth watering.

Her concepts have the biggest power of being divided into chunks and she is the living epitome of “small is the new big”.

The cherry on the cake comes with her personal touch and follow up without any dictatorial pressure. She has a hidden magic wand of motivation in her, which has kept all of her students
on toes.

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Vidhya Devi


"LYCB is one of the best best investment I had done for myself as well as for my business in 2022 ! And I feel LYCB is not just a program, its an experience with someone like Rupal!

LYCB is just too perfect. usually I don't use that word very much, but seriously. LYCB is a program like nothing else.


The only thing I feel is the price. This program is worth so much, and you have given so so so much for such a less price I must say. I took my investment back within 10 days of launching my intensive. So its worth it and its working ! Period."


To Make Sure You Launch Without Getting Overwhelmed.


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- Launch Calendar

- LYCB 1.0, LYCB 2.0 & RYCG Launch Email Sequences For Sales Funnel

- On-boarding Email Template, 1:1 Client Management Email Templates & Much More


In Short, LYCB Is The Only Program You’ll Ever Need To Launch Your Online Coaching Business

Without Getting Overwhelmed. 


The Self-Study Model

Self-Study At Your Own Pace.

Lifetime Access To The Recored Course.

Includes tons of templates & Worksheets.

​INR 5497/-

Success Stories

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Anusha Gorthy

Copywriting Coach

I know Rupal for many months, and before joining LYCB I know all the things she was teaching.
But, I was looking for a friend who can hear all my rants and struggles to organize everything in place. I learned how to manage people, how to act like the CEO of my business, and take action and delegate work to others.

Before LYCB I was scattered throughout with the organisation part especially. After, LYCB everything is on autopilot. I still wonder how she interacts with each one of us through DMs and sees all our stories and posts and gives feedback as well.

This support is incredible and that's why LYCB is unique from others. Thanks for all the patience you have Rupal. Love you, my friend❤❤


Amrita Satheesh

Mindset + Life Coach

Rupal, LYCB is a life saver for me in every way possible. I being a complete beginner to the
online world, came to you with just an idea. LYCB and your undying support is what gave
wings to my dreams


Going from "How do I create an account on Instagram" to what road map to follow, how to
identify my clients, literally the A-Z of coaching world was introduced to me via LYCB.
i look back, I can't believe the obstacles I overcame only because of the clarity, knowledge, support, guidance and boost LYCB gave me.

I took a break from Instagram, because of personal reason but that's when the calling became even stronger. I wanted to get back online with much more bigger goals and Rupal, I can't thank you enough for being my mindset coach and pushing me to dream bigger and the reassuring me it's possible if I am willing to do the hard work. The clarity of thoughts, how you trigger the "idea generating" mindset in me, the constant push and the regular audits, I love how your strict yet mild, no nonsense approach. With you by my side, everything seems possible.

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Productivity Coach

Frankly, where do I start?!
Back in December 2020, I was absolutely new to IG, had no idea that people use this platform to run businesses and was just trying to understand the very basics of the platform. I had this thought of having a different income stream for myself and being independent from a very long time but never knew how! Once I saw how things were going on here, I knew one thing for sure that I needed to start a side hustle here. I can still see that dream on my 2021 vision board in front of my eyes as I am typing this very message.

When I applied for LYCB, I had less than 100 followers, was not sure of my niche, had no real content strategy and had absolutely NO IDEA how to convert this into a business. But I knew I had potential, skills and experience to help others.

Joining LYCB and having RUPAL as my mentor is a life changing experience in my side hustle journey! The program in itself is designed so well that it has every single topic that a newbie like me was looking for and covered it in an easily understandable manner. I was so overwhelmed with
this whole lead generation, content strategy stuff, launching, sales, marketing and what not, when I ready on google and starting consuming free content. But every single question I had was answered in this course.

The best part of this program and what makes LYCB unique is RUPAL - her vibe, her positive attitude, the motivation and push she gives, the guidance and oh yes, the awesome community of rockstars that we have here in the program, who are more like family to me now.

I still remember the first call I had with you - OMG, how confused I was about the whole journey. Rupal listened to me so patiently and showed me step by step and brought immense clarity. Just one call and I could immediately feel the clarity in my head. I knew my next steps and what more can any student expect from her coach?!

The limiting beliefs lesson - how much ever I talk is going to be less! I know what limiting beliefs are and everything. But the examples in LYCB module made me think and identify the
limiting beliefs I had with regards to my side hustle journey. I came over them and that I feel was the first step towards my successful journey.

Coming to Dec 2021,
- I did 1:1 coaching with 2 clients
- With ZERO marketing, my followers started approaching me via DMs for my services and this happened just by following Rupal’s content strategy
- I have successful 1:1 program going on with super happy clients and their testimonials have
brought tears to my eyes
- I am booked for months for IGTV live sessions
- I run free monthly challenges on stories every now and then, have an email list building up on the side
- Have a positive and supporting community of 1000+ following
- Group coaching program is coming early 2022 - Productivity Accelerator Academy
- And I can’t wait for all that is in store for me I am forever grateful to you Rupal, LYCB course and our rockstars for making my dream a reality is less than 3 months of joining the program!


Launch Your Coaching Business is FOR you if:

…you’re a new coach, aspiring coach, teacher, freelancer or a side hustler who wants to start their online coaching.

…you want a mentor who’s by your side, who’s your accountability partner and motivates you to build your online coaching business.

…even if you’ve never launched anything before.

…even if you don’t have an idea about your profitable niche or profitable coaching idea.

…even if you haven’t worked with a client/student before.

…even if you’ve no technical background.

Launch Your Coaching Business is NOT for you if:


…you’re not serious about your coaching.

…you’re not going to take action and not going to put in the effort.

…you don’t have time to attend the calls and do the assignments.

…you want to DIY it yourself and don’t want a clear roadmap with strategies.

Let’s Make Sure LYCB Is The Right Fit For You, Shall We?

Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Launch Your Coaching Business.

  • The first lesson of this module will help you get rid of any limiting belief you might have that’s been holding you back. Followed by this, you will create crystal clear vision of your profitable niche, profitable coaching idea as well as you will validate that idea."
    Class 1: Crushing Limiting Beliefs (Make these classes collapsable) Class 2: Finding Your Profitable Coaching Idea Class 3: Finding Your Profitable Niche Class 4: Market Research & Establishing Your USP Class 5: Creating Your Ideal Customer Personas (ICP) Class 6: Creating Your Niche Statement



Listen up my rockstar! I know you’ve got what it takes and you’ve been trying for a while. Enough of DIYs. I’ve been there and I know how it feels. It’s time for you to up level.



Invest in yourself this once and give LYCB 6 months. I promise you, you’ll discover a whole new world of value and your growth will be unstoppable. You have the power to build your dream coaching business and you’ll thank yourself 6 months from now for making this decision!




LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given. You fully understand that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of implementation of this information in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice.

© Rupal Gogia | © 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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